Associated General Contractors
Mainstream Republicans of Washington
Public School Employees of Washington
Republicans of Spokane County
Spokane County Deputy Sheriffs Association
Current and Previous Elected Officials
Leonard Christian - 4th District WA State Representative
Bryan Sandlin - 15th District WA State Representative
Kevin Waters - 17th District WA State Representative
Sam Low - 39th District WA State Representative
Mary Kuney - Spokane County Commissioner
Mark Richard - Former Spokane County Commissioner
Nancy McLaughlin - Former Spokane County Commissioner/Councilmember
Damon Simmons - Liberty Lake Police Chief
Brian Asmus - Previous Liberty Lake Police Chief/Current Spokane Valley Fire Commissioner
Cris Kaminskas - Mayor of Liberty Lake
Dan Dunne - Liberty Lake Councilmember
Tom Sahlberg - Liberty Lake Councilmember
Kevin Richey - Airway Heights Councilmember/Previous Mayor
Kevin Freeman - Mayor of Millwood
Micki Harnois - Rockford City Councilmember
Ben Wick - Former Mayor/Current Spokane Valley City Councilmember
Dean Grafos - Former Mayor/Spokane Valley City Councilmember
Tom Towey - Former Mayor/Spokane Valley City Councilmember
Bill Gothmann - Former Spokane Valley City Councilmember
John Guarisco - Spokane Valley Fire Commissioner
Mike Kester - Spokane Valley Fire Commissioner
Patrick Burch - Spokane Valley Fire Commissioner
Lee Boling - District 8 Fire Commissioner
Mike Pearson - Former Superintendent of the Central Valley School District
Wally Stanley - Former Superintendent of the Central Valley School District
Debbie Long - Former Chair of the Central Valley School District Board
Keith Clark - Former Chair of the Central Valley School District Board
Citizens and Business Owners
509 Metal Works
Carlson Strategic Communications
Recommended Remodeling
Remedy Salon Co
Tom's Barbershop
Individual Endorsements
Alex Tibbits - Business Owner
Alicia Hansen Thompson - Business Owner
Aubreyana Anderson
Bev Johnson - Business Owner
Bob Peetz - Business Owner
Bob West
Brandon Newbill
Brenda McKinley - Real Estate
Brent Hagerty
Brian Campell - Business Owner
Brian Offield - Development
Bryce Brewer
Carol Frank Carter - Healthcare
Carol Snyder
Caylin Novell - Real Estate
Chad Griffith
Chad Peetz - Business Owner/Local 44
Cheryl Moyer
Christina Felts Jones
Cindy Carrigan - Real Estate
Dana Smith-Pendergrass - Real Estate
Dawn West - Healthcare
Dayne Kuhlmann - Business Owner
Debbie Krum - Finance
Dee Burch
Dennis Mitchell - Public Speaker
Drew Brooks
Dusty Wetzler - Real Estate
Ed Conley - Business Owner
Fuzzy Buckenberger
Harry Sladich - Business Owner
Jake Peterson - Business Owner
Jeff Martin - Union Member/Chair of the Conservative Caucus - Washington Federation State Employees Union
Jeff Ross
Jeffrey Getchell - Law Enforcement
Jocelyn DeWitt
Joe Zastera - Business Owner
Johnny Frederick
Justin Harding
Karen Stebbins - Business Owner
Karin Morris
Kathy Schultz - Retired
Kathy Wolrehammer - Education
Kelly J Kiki - Business Owner
Kris Noonan Johnson
Larayna Yevtushuk
LeAnne Burgess Donley - Education
Maria Burton - Real Estate
Marilyn Cline
Marta Peetz - Healthcare/SEIU1199
Michael Davisson
Mike Helmberger - Real Estate
Misty Griffith
Molly Sherwin
Nick DeFazio
Nick Grigajtis
Nikesha Simmons
Norman Thomson - Business Owner
Paige Willingham-Lentz - Finance
Pam Frederick - Real Estate
Pam Gothmann
Patty Dagon Marcus - Education
Pete Sherwin
Phil Sanford - Business Owner
Rachel Tibbits - Business Owner
Renae Hagerty
Rick Wilhite - Business Owner
Samara Behler - Real Estate
Serena Carlson - Business Owner
Shelly Clark - Business Owner
Sheri Tilton - Real Estate
Sherri Robinson
Stacy Thompson Mohr
Sue Radmaker
Susan Phillips-Grady
Sylvia Blocker Passe - Business Owner
Tawny Hiett - Real Estate
Terry Johnson
Theresa Schimmels
Tory Burney
Traci Couture - Education
Treasure Boston - Business Owner
Vikas Gumbhir - Education
Wil Wilhelm - Non-Profit
Will Long
Leadership is cultivated from one's deep commitment and love for community and the people that call it their home. Representative Candidate Brandi Peetz continues to give of herself year after year in efforts to make Eastern Washington a place that we can not only be proud of but also call home.
I have had the continued honor of standing at Brandi Peetz's side as her coach, teacher, and friend though high school, serving with Blessings Under the Bridge, and her 6 years on Spokane Valley City Council. I am deeply proud of her grit, integrity, and passion for her community. I fully support her next chapter as she seeks to serve our 4th District State Representative Position 2, with honor.
— Kelly Kiki
Teacher/Coach?Business Owner